On Mon, 28 Jan 91 14:53:09 MEZ Wilfried Grieger <WGRIEGE@DGOGWDG1> said:
>To define a couple of internet  sites in Goettingen as local nodes which
>all end  with .GWDG.DE  in addition  to our  Bitnet address  DGOGWDG1 it
>would be desirable to set the variable "local" in the LOCAL SYSVARS file
>local = 'DGOGWDG1 *.GWDG.DE'
>Is it possible to implement this strategy in another way?
This is the proper way to do it. I don't see how you can do it otherwise,
unless the list of local nodes is short enough. So, ask Turgut to provide
this function in LISTEARN as well.