I remember  hearing some  people expressing  their disappointment  at the
fact that LISTSERV wouldn't run in an XA-mode machine a couple years ago,
but I don't remember who it was.  Anyway, I believe that the version I am
now  using  on LISTSERV@SEARN  should  be  XA-tolerant  (it can't  be  XA
exploitive since  REXX isn't),  but I cannot  test it on  my 9370  and XA
support for the server is quite low  on my list of priorities anyway (the
reason I dual-pathed LSVIUCV is to allow LDBASE to work in XA mode *user*
virtual  machines). If  there are  sites which  are worried  enough about
running their server in XA mode to  be willing to try this code out (with
the understanding  that I won't  be able to reproduce  problems locally),
just drop me a note.