>All listserv maintainers please note:
>At least my copy of 'GLOBLIST FILE' has in it an entry for
>"BETH-L@RSCSV2" - a "test list" by the description.  I wouldn't
>have known about it, except that I found 2 'LSVDELTE REFRESHME' jobs
>queued to our dummy 'RSCSV2' test link...
>What's the best way to clean this up?  I suspect it's just a case of
>a test job "escaping" from a test site...
Mea culpa. The list was created yesterday, and it's scope is
global.  It went everywhere, I'm sure, when the automatic
nightly jobs ran to update the global lists on the backbone
If any of you are interested (and/or can help me) the reason this
has happened is because I'm trying to get LISTSERV to talk to our
PC network here at NAS.  We have local mods to RSCS trapping files
from other sites tagged for node NAS, routing them successfully
to our gateway service machine ccmailer.  Right now we're using
RSCS Version 2 and a CTCA to version 1 to (I think I understand
what my system programmer said) make the files look as though
they came from outside, using a REROUTE statement, so the local
mods will pick them up.
RSCS V2 is not working in production yet, so I can't just use it.
Since test messages posted here and off-site worked, and since
info commands sent here and off-site to the listserv worked,
and came back with the correct tag (LISTSERV@NASVM) I thought
we were good to go.
NAS is not a real machine and as such cannot appear in RSCS V1
routing tables.  Is there perhaps an intelligent way for me to
tell LISTSERV to send files tagged for USERID@NAS to ID CCMAILER,
but preserve the tag information?  Or just to fix my bogus tag
Thanks.  And apologies again.
Beth Stubbs
National Academy of Sciences
BITNET Inforep and Postmaster
(202) 334-2715