On Sat, 23 Mar 91 17:23:39 CST Landy Manderson said:
>I am not trying to imply that it is not a worthwhile and useful effort...I am
>just trying to figure out where this fits in with the mechanisms already in
Nobody can know at this point.  Nothing has been determined in regard to what
  listserv-LIKE functions are needed on the Internet, much less how those
  functions should be provided.  With luck, the members of listdev will come
  up with a clear framework for the IETF WG to work within.  On the other
  hand, it could turn into a giant bickfest.  I sure hope not, tho, because
  the Internet surely could use some native, _standardized_, listserv-type
  functionality and that'd throw a wrench into the works.
Kind Regards,