On Tue, 2 Apr 91 22:22:35 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>I guess you  coded "RSCS = 'RSCS@UCSBVM'", as this  would explain both of
>your problems. Well the RSCS virtual machine is always on the local node,
>and no nodeid is to be specified.
Absolutely correct!  It was coded as rscs = [log in to unmask]  And, in the
XA system, we run RSCSV2, which LISTSERV never heard of.  But how does
LISTSERV manage to send messages in VM/SP4 with this odd userid, but cannot
in VM/XA?
And how about a hint as to where one finds 'standard value' as referenced
Thank you, Eric  (isn't it nighttime where you live?)