The director of my department just approved my idea to present a listserv
seminar at one of our departmental staff meetings. This would be a very short
seminar on how to use Listserv Lists in support of academic and administrative
computing here at Temple University. It would be opened only to our student and
staff consultants. I guess you can say that I am letting my colleagues here
know about my little 'tricks' in resolving problems without spending hours of
time researching them.
  In any event, what I was wondering is if anyone out there has done such a
seminar. If so, could I see any handouts you prepared? I am also looking for
a list of listserv lists that contains one line per list with the line having
only the list name, listserv host name, and the topic. I would like to pull
this into WordPerfect and sort it in several different ways. Does anyone have
such a file that can be sent to me? I am not talking about the results of the
list global command 'cause that's too detailed and not in an easily word pro-
cessed format.
Stan Horwitz
Listserv Postmaster
Temple University