I am having a problem with a list that stores copies of a newsletter.  The
list does not store notebooks and is only used as a repository for the
notebooks.  Let me preface what I am going to say with the fact that I
am a pseudo-postmaster [I believe Eric calls them "weak" postmasters :-)]
for LISTSERV here at V.T.  Anyway, in the process of helping this listowner
with a problem saving files to her list, I resaved the <list-name> FILEID
file, in which  I changed the *DEFAULT* line:
from: *DEFAULT* X5
to:   *DEFAULT* X5/201
(Yes this list has an entry in the LOCAL SYSVARS file and is linked as
LISTSERV's 201 disk).
The file saved "successfully", but now every time I save a file to this list
it is rejected and I get a message saying it was transfered to POSTMAST...
When I "REFRESH" the list the FILELIST then shows that NONE of the previously
stored files are available (all periods and LRECL 0's).  I tried several
iterations of saving the FILEID file then the FILELIST file but always the
same response.  Obviously I'm doing something wrong.  I even went to the
extreme of logging on to LISTSERV and saving a (previously stored copy, I
never trust anything I do to fate), correct copy of the FILEID and FILELIST
file.  Still the same result when a file is saved (put) or the list refreshed.
Rather than resort to resaving all the stored files, and letting LISTSERV
rebuild the FILELIST and FILEID files, is there anything else I can do?
One more question, why do all the files become "unavailable" when the FILELIST
is refreshed? (that one has me stumped!).  Thanks!
--Greg Kroll