On Fri, 31 May 91 16:29:23 +02 Van Uytven Herman said:
>I have hooked up our telephone program now to listserv (Thanks to everyone
>who did respond), but since this program will be used not only by computer
>specialist but also by e.g. secretariat people, it must be as simpe as
>possible.  Therefore I was wondering if there is a way to avoid using
>a 'special' character as first letter for the command name, because
>most of the people will remember that it was a command with 'tel' in
>it, but I am quiet sure that a lot of them will forget the / in front.
>Any ideas ?
   how about a short exec (LOOKUP EXEC perhaps?) that issues a
Chris Barnes                           x045cb@tamvm1            (BITNET)
(409) 845-8300                         [log in to unmask]  (Internet)