On Fri, 7 Jun 91 16:38:24 CDT Christian Reichetzeder said:
>All these jobs look more or less the same. Some have one or more copies if the
>distribute job appended.
>A few have a CP DIST value of YCC210. Does this ring a bell?
 Yes.  Some of the "bad" X-DEL jobs did have the YCC210 distribution value.
 Most of them also had either 53 lines before LISTSERV processed them, or
 49 lines after LISTSERV put them on HOLD.  A few small X-DEL jobs do
 have a YCC210 DIST but appear to be "normal".  There were so many
 of them, I many have purged "valid" deletes, but better too many than
 too few.
 The flow of jobs into our site seems to have slowed down since this morning.
 I am going to continue to have our LISTSERV hold all jobs over the weekend,
 since the PRIMETIME field is set to MON-SUN 00:00-24:00.  (Thanks Herb :-) )
                                                      - Mike