Ok, people, it's time to do something about this.  I am running the RSCS
Selective File Filter here at UGA (A BITNET Core site) and have discarded
over 25,000 copies of various X-DEL jobs going through here to other sites.
Since this filter does not effect files inbound for local delivery (only
outbound files) my LISTSERV is still getting every one which comes in for
it.  I have it running in eternal prime time, but still many of the jobs
do not have noprime set, and they are getting distributed.  RSCS just
steps on them on the way out.  I also have an exec running (attached below)
every 5 minutes on listserv to step on X-DEL JOB files in the reader.  Put
XDELX2 EXEC in your wakeup file and it calls XDELX EXEC three times (to get
files in classes "Q", "A", and "M". (don't understand why 3 classes, but
that's what I am seeing).
I also am running the same exec and one which steps on mail from listserv
in my personal ID to take care of the JOBS which LISTSERV is forwarding to
me as postmaster.
All Core sites should put X-DEL JOB in your Selective File Filter Kill file.
I don't think there are any valid X-DEL jobs out there to worry about right
now.  Lets get this storm killed before my wires melt down.
----------------------- XDELX2 EXEC ---------------------------------------
/*  */
xdelx a
xdelx m
------------------------XDELX  EXEC ---------------------------------------
/* This exec discards any MAIL file from LISTSERV@FINHUTC */
 mailer = 'LISTSERV'
 parse upper arg rclass .
 if rclass == '' then rclass = 'Q'
 say 'deleting X-DEL JOBS in reader from ' mailer 'class' rclass  '.'
 Call Diag 8,'ORDER RDR CLASS ' rclass
 If c2d(Storage('E5D',1)) > 6
  Then size = 131072
  Else size = 8192
 count = 0
 ccount = count
 Parse Value Diag(8,'Q R *',size) with '15'x data
 Do while data ^== ''
    Parse var data fromid spid c1 c2 . '15'x data
    If fromid c1 c2 ^== mailer rclass 'PUN' Then Iterate
    Parse Value Diag(8,'Q R ALL *' spid,256) with '15'x . . . . . . . . . fn ft
    If fn ft ^== 'X-DEL JOB' Then Iterate
    count = count+1
    Call Diag 8,'PURGE RDR' spid
 If ccount ^== count Then Signal Loop
 Say count 'files discarded on' date() 'at' time()