The CRC code  has been running on  a number of servers  for several days,
successfully intercepting a  few corrupted files, and so far  there is no
known problem with  it. I would like  to suggest that all  1.6g beta test
sites install  the code,  in order  to help with  the X-DEL  problems and
provide more  extensive beta-testing. Since  my availability is  and will
remain severely limited  until friday, I would like to  avoid adding more
1.6g servers until then; however, if  there is a strong justification for
any given site to run the new code NOW,  drop me a note and I will try to
get you a shipment.
I would like to thank both the US core sites which have installed filters
et al for their patience and cooperation,  on behalf of all the people in
this terminal  room who have  to logon several times  a day to  check the
queues on EARN  sites. Without your help, EARN would  have been basically
halted for the whole duration of the conference.