Am I doing something wrong - mine works (see previous note) - or do I just not
understand the problem ??? ;-))
Mucho thanks to Eric for his help in the past !!
|                                             |                               |
|   Russell N. Hathhorn                       |  Bitnet: SYSMAINT@PCCVM       |
|   VM Systems Progammer/Analyst              |  Compu$erve: 76636,1036       |
|   VM Systems Support / SYS 36 Support       |  Voice: (503) 244-6111 x 4705 |
|   Portland Community College                |  FAX:   (503) 452-4947        |
|   Computer Services Department, CC B27c     |  List Owner: Vmvirus Diabetic |
|   P. O. Box 19000                           |              Profsalt Strek-L |
|   12000 S. W. 49th. Avenue                  |  " A Proud NRA Life Member "  |
|   Portland, Oregon  97219-0990              |  "    Just say NO to OCO   "  |
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