On Sat, 21 Sep 1991 13:34:05 EST Stan Horwitz said:
>I have never expected  anything more of IBM which is sad.   It's also sad that
>IBM has done  so well marketing mediocrity.
Yes, that is sad, for two reasons.  I think the reason meant is that his
experience with IBM has left some bad memories (no pun intended).  The
second, to me sadder, reason is that it makes people like Eric and Stan
stop expecting good, or even decent, things from IBM.
IBM claims to be changing.  Yes, parts of IBM are changing more slowly
than others.  But if we keep expecting nothing of IBM, that's what we'll
get.  Raise your expectations and challenge IBM to meet them.  IBM can't
be all things to all people, but it can do more than you expect.
As for "marketing mediocrity", that's a matter of perspective.  Their
price/performance ratios usually aren't that competitive, but their
products tend to have other attributes (reliability for one) which some
customers value highly.
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