I assume that LSVDIST EXEC should be added to the "cannot be compiled"
list since lines 921 and 928 use Interpret...
Also, I have found 126 EXECs on Listserv's 191/A-disk to consider
for compilation.  (This number excludes the PROFILE, MIG_nnx, LDBASE,
LSVPUT, LSVDIST and 9 EXECs mentioned by Eric's Release 1.7a notes.)
This does seem like a lot.
Should I just go for all 126?
Or should I use the most-often-used EXECs from the results from a
CMS EXECMAP command on the server console?
Currently, I see only 20 heavily-used EXECs on this map...
Do very short EXECs matter?
Any advice would be appreciated...