On Mon, 7 Oct 1991 18:32:19 EDT Gary Sponseller <SPONSELL@AKRONVM> said:
>I assume that  LSVDIST EXEC should be added to  the "cannot be compiled"
>list since lines 921 and 928 use Interpret...
It is  obsolete; compile  it with  the ERASE command  (it's free,  and it
produces much more compact code than the REXX compiler :-) ).
>Should I just go for all 126?
It all depends  on how much storage constrained you  are. Writing an EXEC
to  LISTFILE LSV*  EXEC/XEDIT, exclude  the fileids  in NOREXXC  file and
compile the rest is very easy, so if you don't care about virtual storage
it may be the simplest solution.
>Or should  I use the most-often-used  EXECs from the results  from a CMS
>EXECMAP  command  on  the  server  console? Currently,  I  see  only  20
>heavily-used EXECs on this map...
These and LSVPROF should definitely be compiled.
>Do very short EXECs matter?
No idea, but you can benchmark it yourself.