It has been brought to my attention that the LIST GLOBAL command is sending
the "List of Lists" in an 80 column format.  Why?  Since the default format
is Netdata shouldn't I being getting the file in it's LRECL=122 format?
Several quick tests reveals:
list global             * default, netdata, 80 column records, not what I
list global f=netdata   * 80 column records, not what I expected
list global f=diskdump  * 80 column records, not what I expected
list global f=carddump  * "peeking" the file it appears to be in a "disk
                           dump" format, however, the VM/CMS receive command
                           does not properly format the file.
list global f=punch     * 80 columns, as expected
list global f=mail      * normal mail, 80 columns, as expected
list global f=lpunch    * "normal" LPUNCH format.  Is there a program/command
                           available to decipher this?
list global f=uuencode  * "normal" uuencode format, as expected
Am I missing something?  Have I always been looking at this file in its
current truncated format and just never noticed?  Isn't "netdata" format
supposed to allow greater than 80 column records?  Thanks for any
insights or suggestions!
--Greg Kroll