In response to recent CREN/BITNET requirements, we are looking at ways
to separate postmaster functions (such as obtaining the userids for
individuals, re-routing misdirected mail, etc.) from maintainer functions
(such as fixing code, applying table updates, performing other config-
uration tasks).  In the MAILER we have accomplished this by creating
a POSTMAST userid and pointing POSTMAST and POSTMASTER at it in the
MAILER PROFILE, while have the MAINTAINER ids point to the userids of
the Systems People.
I would appreciate observations and/or suggestions on how this might
be accomplished in LISTSERV.  I am mainly interested in routing the
files found in the reader, because they were bounced by another site,
to the POSTMAST userid, but leaving the reporting of errors or my
usual delinquency in installing new tables to point at my userid.
Dwight M. McCann
Information Systems & Computing
University of California at Santa Barbara  93106
(805) 893-3113