On Tue, 5 Nov 1991 16:06:28 EST Dennis Boone said:
>Can anyone tell me what this means?
>More generally, could someone tell me how to decipher such messages, and
>where in TFM I should have R'd?
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Error 2013 from LSVFWR1 MCLR-L LOG9111 M while logging mail for MCLR-L. An
>incomplete copy of  the message might be present in  the notebook. List is
>being held with current mailing being postponed.
This probably means you ran out of space on your "logging" disc.  You'll
want to erase some of your older log files or expand the disk.  Then
do a LIST command to check for other lists on HOLD.  You can issue FREE
commands to release the HELD lists and mail processing will resume.