On Thu, 21 Nov 1991 15:27:37 EST Evelyn Buffington said:
> Error occured while processing file 3628 from MAILER@GSUVM1: "Mail file
> maximum allowable  size". Because this error  is likely to be  correctable,
> original  message has  been transferred  to GSUMAINT@GSUVM1  so as  to make
> easier to resubmit it once the problem has been corrected.
> -------------------- Message causing the problem (1 line)
> The problem mentioned above prevented the contents of the file from being
> ******* end of error message
   I suspect the MAILMAXL value in SYSVARS must be increased OR you
should break the item into parts.  Below are the two size limits
which the local listserv postmaster can put into LOCAL SYSVARS
(and they may have to do a reboot of LISTSERV for them to go into
* MAILMAXL  - Maximum number of records for incoming MAIL files
* FILEMAXL  - Maximum number of records for other incoming files
filemaxl = 10000
mailmaxl = 2500