This user has sent mail files of this type before.  There is something about
checking for the from address in the body of the message in the 1.7b release
notes.  My question is how can we get around this (i.e. do we have to
not use the work from, or from: or from: as the beginning text of the line?)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The  enclosed mail  file, found  in the  NOMINATE reader  and shown  under the
spoolid 2740  in the console log,  has been identified as  a possible delivery
error notice for the following reason: "Sender:", "From:" or "Reply-To:" field
pointing to the list has been found in mail body.
------------------------- Message in error (41 lines) -------------------------
Received: from BITNIC (RUSHING) by BITNIC.EDUCOM.EDU (Mailer R2.05) with BSMTP
 id 2738; Mon, 16 Dec 91 12:26:27 EDT
Date:         Mon, 16 Dec 91 12:22:49 EDT
From:         Nominating Committee <RUSHING@BITNIC>
Subject:      CREN Trustee Candidacy
To:           Bernie Galler <[log in to unmask]>
cc:           nominate@BITNIC,
    TO:    Bernard Galler
                Doug Bigelow, Chair
                Geraldine MacDonald
                Doug Van Houweling
    RE:    CREN Trustee Candidacy