On Wed, 18 Dec 1991 11:37:29 PST Russell N. Hathhorn, VM Systems Support said:
>>Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1991 13:28 CDT
>>From: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: SUB CANINE-L Charlotte Burr
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Message-id: <[log in to unmask]>
>>X-Envelope-to: [log in to unmask]
>>X-VMS-To: IN%"[log in to unmask]"
   If I found this in the LISTSERV postmaster ID I'd send them my
canned "NOSUB ERROR" message!  Is there something more subtle that
I have missed?  The headers look ok to me!  marty
--- Canned NOSUB ERROR Message I send out (I think item 2 and 3 apply).
This file is sent for one of these common errors:
1. You sent your request to the list instead of to [log in to unmask]
   All LISTSERV commands (sub, index, unsub, etc.) should be sent to
   LISTSERV!  Thank you.
2. LISTSERV expects its commands to be in the BODY or TEXT of the
   mail (ie. where these messages are) and NOT in the subject!  This
   allows it to have more than one command per mail item.  Thanks.
3. The message was sent to LISTSERV but the body/text was empty.