On Thu, 23 Jan 1992 17:41:43 EST Ben Chi said:
>On Thu, 23 Jan 1992 14:32:20 PST John Riehl said:
>>I have a user who just signed on a list, trknws-l, and tried to send
>>to that list.  each time, he gets back a 'you are not on this list'
>>message, even though he is. . .
Actually, the problem turns out to be the send= tag, which had been set to
some form of 'owner,editor'. (i dont remember exactly what it was, I was
changing stuff around at the time). The user was in the list, but just
wasnt authorized and was getting the non-authorized message when i was
expecting the forwarding message.  thanks to Eric, Ben, and Mark
(Williamson) who gave suggestions.  I set the tag to Editor and duplicated
the owner in the editor section.
(john riehl)
('If we do not succeed, we run the risk of failure'  -- Dan Quayle)