On Tue, 4 Feb 1992 09:29:40 EST Duane D. Weaver said:
>The list keyword Renewal has been available for quite awhile, but
>I have seen little use of it.   Why?
I started using  renewal in the summer.   The reason I had not  used it sooner
was because it was not documented in any  obvious place at the time.  I am not
sure if the  situation has changed.  If  not, it explains why  few list owners
use  it.   By the  way,  I  rarely get  notices  confirmation  notices.  I  am
wondering if the  renewal parameter involves only those  people who subscribed
after it is invoked.
    Stan Horwitz              |*|  STAN @ VM.TEMPLE.EDU
    IBM Electronic Mail       |*|  My opinions are my own and do not
    Applications Consultant   |*|  necessarily reflect those of my
    Temple University         |*|  employers or anyone else.