How do other list owners handle flames?
   As a new listowner, this is my first flame war.  I searched the
archives here, but not too much popped up.
   My list is unmoderated and I do believe the list "belongs to
the users," but this new group sets their own agenda.  This is resulting
in people that subscribed based on the stated purpose of the list
leaving and more flamers subscribing.
   I did send out a note to the list asking everybody to cool off
before posting and reminding them what the focus of the list
is supposed to be.  This only resulted in threats, warnings, and
"who am I to tell people what they can post"  replies to the
   Any comments or suggestions?  I don't have the time to
mediate or send individual notes and I don't want to have a
closed or moderated list.
Elliott Parker                  Bitnet: 3ZLUFUR@CMUVM
List Owner, SEASIA-L            Internet: [log in to unmask]
Department of Journalism        Less certain possibilities:
Central Michigan University       [log in to unmask]
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 USA        CompuServe: 70701,520
Office tele: +1 (517) 774-3196    The WELL: [log in to unmask]