>Whenever a non-BITNET subscriber requests a file from our fileserver,
>they get two notes -- one containing the requested file, and the second
>containing information about resource usage involved in fulfilling their
>request.  The second note does not go to BITNET users.  Is there any way
>to avoid sending that note to everyone?  It provides no useful information,
>and can only confuse users and possibly make them think that there is a
>problem -- especially users unfamiliar with messages from IBM mainframes.
Though I am not a listserv maintainer, I doubt it: the one, is a Note
which is an acknowlegement, either positive or negtative.  The other,
if it is actually sent, is the FILE itself.
As a matter of fact, since multiple files can have the same FN/FT,
I have previously asked ERIC to send an indication in the ack Note
from WHICH filelist it was retrieved.  (I've had problems with this
in the past).