In article <[log in to unmask]>, Michael Harpe
     <[log in to unmask]> says:
>The trouble is, people who are subscribed as someone@ulkyvm in the list
>cannot post to the list with Send= Private set.  If I change their entry
>to [log in to unmask], it works.  Shouldn't the two forms be
>synonomous in this case?
>What am I missing?
>Mike Harpe
>LISTSERV maintainer
In article <[log in to unmask]>, "Mark R. Williamson"
         <[log in to unmask]> says:
>Perhaps registering the domain name in the :internet keyword of DOMAIN
>NAMES might help.  Then all LISTSERVs should find the equivalence.
Actually, it's the :internet tag in BITEARN NODES.  Talk to Louis J.
Wiesemann (LJWIES01@ULKYVM) or R. David Jones (RDJONE01@ULKYVM).  Either
of them can send an update to UPDATE@BITNIC to add this tag to ULKYVM's
nodentry.  See the file UPDATE PROCEDUR from LISTSERV@BITNIC for details
on how to format this update.  See the file NODETAGS DESCRIPT at your
nearest NETSERV for a description of the :internet tag.
>Mark R. Williamson, Rice U., Houston TX; [log in to unmask] or @RICEVM1