On Mon, 9 Mar 1992 01:45:52 EST Sanjay Kapur said:
>I am enclosing below another sample of undelivered mail which LISTSERV filters
>for the header did not find.  Because of many protests from list members, the
>list operators with LOOPCHECK=NOBODY
 You have three choices here.  Either change the list to Loopcheck=Full
 and let Listserv trap the mail by the self-referencing headers in the
 body of the mail message, change the code on the Listserv running at
 CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU to trap the mail based on the header info (for example
 it could treat Mail_System in a From: line the same way it treats things
 like 'postmaster' and 'uucp'), or manually intervene each time a loop
 condition arises.  I prefer the first choice.  But you could add more
 and more conditions to the current header checking code as you encounter
 new (and improved?) rejections that aren't caught by the existing code.
 Of course that would mean you do more and more checking on each piece
 of mail that Listserv processes.  And since you have to experience a
 mail-loop at least once before you can add code to trap it (unless sites
 start announcing new mail configurations before they implment them :)),
 you're bound to get some nasty bounces each time someone decides to
 re-invent the mail-delivery-notice.
>  Sanjay Kapur                        |Internet:    [log in to unmask]
>  Systems Staff, Computing Services,  |Bitnet:      SKAPUR@USB
>  State University of New York,       |SPAN/HEPnet: 44132::SKAPUR
>  Stony Brook, NY 11794-2400          |Phone:(516)632-8029, FAX:(516)632-8046
 PS - One more option...  You could contact the people at,
>From: [log in to unmask]
 and ask them to reconfigure their mail software.  For example, just
 removing the percent signs from the Subject: line would cause Listserv
 to trap the mail without the body checks (since anything starting with
 "undeliver" is punted to the postmaster).  The cute "%%" prefix neatly
 bypasses that check however.