On Mon, 23 Mar 1992 14:50:29 EST Michael Harpe said:
>I have a list defined with the keyword Send= Private set.  We are a site that
>is on both BITNET and the Internet.  Our mail system is changing our local
>addresses from someone@ulkyvm to [log in to unmask] before sending
>The trouble is, people who are subscribed as someone@ulkyvm in the list
>cannot post to the list with Send= Private set.  If I change their entry
>to [log in to unmask], it works.  Shouldn't the two forms be
>synonomous in this case?
I have been trying to follow the discussion of this thread on the list
because I'm looking for the answer to the same question about senders at
sites _other_ than where the list is hosted.  My issue is not about the
proper way to define 'Local' on my server, but rather about e-mail
addresses which may be functionally equivalent, but which make the
sender unrecognizeable as a subscriber.  I see LISTSERV refusing to
accept a posting to a private list from a subscriber with a domain-style
address, when the list entry for the subscriber has a BITNET address.
(Or not recognizing the 'equivalence' of two domain-style addresses.)
For example:
   the posting has  >From: [log in to unmask]
   the list has            subscr@HOST
                 - or -
   the posting has  >From: [log in to unmask]
   the list has            [log in to unmask]
I have assumed that it was not reasonable to expect LISTSERV to know
in the examples above that 'subscr' was really a subscriber.
My naive response to these problems has been to recommend that the
list owner change the entry for the subscriber to match what would be
appearing in the e-mail 'From' entry.  Is there, in fact, something
better that I could do to have it recognize these equivalences?
/Hobart Braden