On Fri, 17 Apr 1992 15:09:00 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>On Thu, 16 Apr 1992 15:55:59 EDT Stan Horwitz <OASIS@TEMPLEVM> said:
>>What will be the major, if any, new features/changes in 1.7c?
>I realize that most people on this list "don't have time" to learn how to
>use the database  functions and prefer to ask again  and let other people
>do the work for  them and re-post old answers, but  I didn't realize that
>"old" really meant 10 days.
Sorry to be a pain Eric. The proliferation of lists, and the responsibilities
I have for managing them at Temple, frequently makes it difficult to keep up
with the massive volume of information coming my way. As such, and apparantly
not possessing the same keen memory as you, I failed to remember an earlier
discussion on this topic. I appologise.
Stan Horwitz
Listserv Postmaster
Temple University