Below are some brief instructions I wrote for someone here that may be
of some use to those of you having trouble running LSVPUT.  Personally,
I have not had any problems it always works wonderfully.  I hope these
instructions may be of some use.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ cut here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Notes on using the LSVPUT exec for saving files to LISTSERV
By: Gregory Kroll
    Senior Programmer/Analyst
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg, Va. 24060
    USDGK@VTVM1, [log in to unmask]
1.0  Preface
The  following  generic  parameters have been used throughout this docu-
_________      ___________
<LIST-NAME>    The name of the LISTSERV list you are working with (e.g.,
<NODE-NAME>    The node name of the VM  machine  that  stores  the  list
               (e.g., VTVM2).
<FILE-NAME>    A CMS filename (up to 8 characters).
<FILE-TYPE>    A CMS filetype (up to 8 characters).
[...]          Anything  enclosed  in  square  brackets indicates an op-
               tional parameter.
2.0  Preliminary notes on using the LSVPUT exec.
o   Before using the LSVPUT exec for the first time you must establish a
    "personal  password"  for  the userid from which you will be running
    this exec.  This does not have to be the same password that you  may
    have  as  owner of a list, although it could be.  These are two dif-
    ferent password's.  Do this with the command:
    TELL LISTSERV [AT <node-name>] PW ADD <new-password>
         where: <new-password> = 1-8 alphanumeric characters
o   The first time you  use  the  LSVPUT  exec  you  are  asked  several
    questions for which you will not be prompted again (unless the NEWPW
    option  is  used).    Below is a console listing showing the type of
    questions you will be asked,  along  with  appropriate  (and  recom-
    mended) responses (enclosed in <> brackets).
    lsvput test file
    This is the first time you are using LSVPUT. Please indicate the
    network address of your "home" server, ie the one you want files
    sent to by default.
    Enter userid@node of "home" server, or press ENTER if it is LISTSERV@VTVM1:
    <the ENTER key was pressed>
    Please define the default function to be performed, PUT or PUTC
    - PUTC is a restricted command for LISTSERV administrators which
      stores a file on one of LISTSERV's system disks.
    - PUT is the command that allows file owners to store files on
    Please indicate the action to be performed (default is PUT):
    <the ENTER key was pressed>
    Enter your personal password for LISTSERV at VTVM1, or a null line to exit:
    <this is the password established in the first step above>
    Do you want this password recorded to disk? Reply YES or NO:
    Your password has been saved in file "LASTING GLOBALV A0".
    Do not forget to use the "(NEWPW" option if you ever change it.
    File "TEST FILE A1" has been sent to LISTSERV at VTVM1.
3.0  Saving files to LISTSERV using the LSVPUT exec.
1.  Get  a current copy of the FILELIST file from LISTSERV with the com-
    TELL LISTSERV [AT <node-name>] GET <list-name> FILELIST (CTL
2.  You will receive a message from LISTSERV that the FILELIST has  been
    locked,  and it will send you a copy of this file.  The "CTL" option
    will send this file in its unformatted state (i.e., not processed by
    LISTSERV to add header information), which is what you want.
3.  Receive this file from your reader, replacing any old copy  of  this
    file, and make the following changes:
    a.  add an entry for the new file you wish to make available similar
        to the other entries in this file.  The easiest way is to dupli-
        cate  one  of  the lines in the file then edit it to reflect the
        new file-name and file-type with a new description.
    b.  Assuming the new file we wish to save is  called  "<f-name>  <f-
        type>"  the entry should look something like this (in context to
        rest of file):
        * LISTNAME (one line description of list)
        *                             rec               last - change
        * filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time
        * -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- --------
          LISTNAME GUIDE      ALL OWN V      76   233 90/10/04 07:55:35
        Guidelines for using LISTNAME
          FIRST    FILE       ALL OWN V      76   264 90/11/01 07:55:14
        Something of interest to this list
          <f-name> <f-type>   ALL OWN .       .     . ........ ........
        Another interesting file for this list
        The place-holding periods in the last line above are very impor-
        tant, they will be filled in by LISTSERV when the file is  saved
    NOTE: When  storing  files  to LISTSERV always wait for confirmation
    from the last command before proceeding to the next.    Confirmation
    is in the form of a short mail file with a line of text stating suc-
    cessful storage.
4.  Now send this file back to LISTSERV with the following command:
    LSVPUT <list-name> FILELIST [(TO <node-name>]
5.  Assuming  success  of the previous step we are now ready to save the
    actual file.  Do so with the following command:
    NOTE: Remember to wait for confirmation between each command if  you
    are saving multiple files.
    LSVPUT <file-name> <file-type> [(TO <node-name>]
    NOTE: If the <file-name> and <file-type> of the above named file are
    identical  to  an  existing file for this list, the old file will be
    replaced (i.e., overwritten) by the file just saved.   This is  done
    automatically by LISTSERV.
6.  That's it, the file is now available to other's via the GET command.
4.0  Deleting a file from a LISTSERV list using the LSVPUT exec.
1.  Before  deleting any files you should, if desired, make your own ar-
    chival copy of the file you are about to delete.  LISTSERV does  not
    make  backup  copies of your file, and once deleted it cannot be re-
    The easiest way to make your archival copy is to retrieve  the  file
    using the normal GET command then write this file to tape before de-
    leting it from LISTSERV.
2.  Any  file controlled by your list can be deleted, this includes, not
    only CMS files placed there by you, but also NOTEBOOK files  created
    and maintained by LISTSERV, if you chose to save NOTEBOOK files when
    your  list  was  created  (i.e.,  the  list header keyword NOTEBOOK=
    YES,... would indicate you are storing notebooks).  Putting this  in
    simple terms, any file that appears in the list of files sent to you
    from the command:
    TELL LISTSERV [AT <node-name>] INDEX <list-name>
    can be deleted.
3.  Deleting  files  from a LISTSERV list is very similar to saving them
    the only difference being the addition of  the  DEL  option  on  the
    LSVPUT command.
    The following command will delete the named file from your list:
    LSVPUT <file-name> <file-type> (DEL [TO <node-name>]

--Greg Kroll