On Fri, 1 May 1992 18:31:08 +0200 Eric Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
made extensive comments that I have no argument with, including:
> - If you have "Send= Private"  but "Subscription= Open", you are going
>   to irritate  people as this is  not a very logical  setting: it does
>   not prevent anyone from posting something, it just means you have to
>   go to the trouble of subscribing and then signing off.
Since most lists are ongoing conversations as opposed to one-way bill
boards I find this setting logical for similar reasons.  Subscribing
insures that owners can at least send posters info in the mailform
concerning list purpose, FAQ's and etiquette.  My main point is that
as a novice I tended to respect the LISTKEYW MEMO defaults as prudent
recommendations made by people who understood the implications better
than I did and I found this one curious because it seemed to encourage
people to post who weren't interested in the replies.  I can respect
that the other points you made may make this a practical or convenient
default, but I think that at the very least its side-effects as a
mailing-loop and bulk-mailing limiter could bear better documentation.
As a listmaster the ITESCO incident has forced me to review the lists
at my site, and to pass on the information to our listowners.