I'm looking for a volunteer listserv to host a new list called
bike-l. Over here a discussion about bikes does not seem scientific
enough to be installed at DEARN e.g..
The list should deal with all topics concerned with bicycles:
Technics, touring, racing, repair hints, making friends, holiday
planning and so on.
As far as I know there is no such list on bitnet yet. Please
let me know, if it is possible to create a new one.
Volunteers, step forward!
  Henrik Zawischa           |
  UNIVERSITAET HAMBURG      |...und ausserdem bin ich gerade
  DESY-F41  HASYLAB         |   vom Stuhl gefallen
  Luruper Chaussee 149      |   und habe vergessen,
  D 2000 Hamburg 50         |   was ich erzaehlen wollte ...
  <[log in to unmask]>  |
  <[log in to unmask]>   |              Daniil Charms
  <[log in to unmask]> |
  <[log in to unmask]>|   What ever happened to the
  Tel. +49-(0)40/8998-2481  |           HEROS ???
  FAX                -2787  |
  TELEX 215124 desy d       |              The Stranglers