On Thu, 28 May 1992 17:15:42 IST Moshe Barak said:
>Hello all ,
>Is there a way (well , a reasonable one) to collect information on the
>file server utilization for a specified list ? A list owner wants to know
>wether the files he is storing are in use at all. Can this be done ?
   We do this by modifying  LSV$GETQ, the GET quota exit.  All we do is
record some of the pertinent information in a monthly log file on a
special disk.  We've also written some local commands which only the
owner can run to retrieve the info (we consider the destination privileged
information - I have yet to write a simple local command to summarize
statistics for anyone).
   Below are the added or changed lines in LSV$GETQ (I think I got them all).
You should be able to figure out where they go (ie. the init stuff is at the
entry, etc.).   Marty
/* NDSU mgh Log Definitions... */
logfn = 'LSGET'
logft = 'LOG'substr(logdate,3,4)      /* LOGyymm  */
logfm = 'G'                           /* Log Disk */
 /* NDSU MGH 01/24/90 Add log record... */
 call logit logdate logtime left(filelist,8) left(fn,8) left(ft,8) ,
            format(#blocks,8,0) destination origin strip(userdata)
 Exit 0 userdata
LOGIT:    /* Log Record    NDSU MGH 01/24/90 */
 parse arg logitarg
 'EXECIO 1 DISKW' logfn logft logfm '(FINIS VAR LOGITARG'
 if logrc<>0 then do
    say 'LSV$GETQ ERROR Writing to' logfn logft logfm '  EXECIO rc='logrc
    say 'LSV$GETQ Data="'logitarg'"'
 return logrc