Revised LISTSERV System Reference Library, Release 1.7c
                     Copyright (c) Eric Thomas 1992
                     Last update: April 19th, 1992
              * Frequently asked questions about LISTSERV *
Thank  you for  having  ordered  this document  instead  of posting  your
question to a mailing list. This is a good start - now you will learn how
to find the answer  to your questions by yourself. There  is no file with
frequently asked  questions and answers,  because nobody has had  time to
prepare  one, and  it would  become obsolete  pretty fast  unless it  was
regularly updated. There is, however, a  process which allows you to find
up-to-date answers to frequently  asked questions: the database functions
of LISTSERV. Most of the questions  about LISTSERV you might ever have to
ask  have  been   answered  already  on  the   LISTSERV  discussion  list
(LSTSRV-L), which held about 6,500 messages at the time this document was
written. You can search this database on any of the following hosts:
   BITNET nodeid      Internet hostname
   -------------      -----------------
   POLYGRAF           GRAF.POLY.EDU  (NY state, USA)
   SEARN              SEARN.SUNET.SE (Stockholm, Sweden)
   UGA                UGA.CC.UGA.EDU (Georgia, USA)
Before you  start shaking your  head and wondering  where on earth  I got
such a silly idea  for a FAQ file, let me give you  an example. Let's say
you want to find out the exact syntax of netwide unsubscription requests.
Here are the results of an actual search:
> search netwide in lstsrv-l
--> Database LSTSRV-L, 195 hits.
> index
Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
002062 88/02/07 20:43   75   Global deletion feature
006466 92/04/17 09:27   14   Re: Netwide deletion
That's right,  one hundred and ninety  five messages are related  to your
question,  and the  first  one dates  back to  1988.  That first  message
contains a description of the facility, complete with syntax and a sample
job  file.  It  is  now  obsolete in  some  respects,  but  still  mostly
applicable, and it probably does  answer your question. You will probably
object that this  is a rather generic question, and  that yours is, quite
to the contrary, very specific indeed:  you got an "Internal error number
2013" while  posting to a  list, and  want to know  what to do  about it.
Fine, let's try it...
> search 2013 in lstsrv-l
--> Database LSTSRV-L, 11 hits.
> index
Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
003838 89/09/13 11:09   19   Database error
006018 91/11/21 15:27   42   Error processing file
A search like that takes at most 5 minutes when you are familiar with the
database functions, and gives you a comprehensive answer if there is one.
You will  not have to thank  20 people individually for  having taken the
time to answer you by private mail. You will not irritate the subscribers
of the  list, who  want to  talk about more  interesting things  than the
syntax of  netwide deletions.  You will not  embarass yourself  by having
asked  a question  that invariably  comes up  once a  week, or  one whose
answer should have been "obvious" if it hadn't been so late of you hadn't
had a cold or... People often  apologize for having asked such questions,
which further adds to the traffic on  the mailing list, but I have yet to
see someone  apologizing to a  computer for having  wasted its time  on a
database search.
No matter  how you look at  it, you win. The  only cost to you  is time -
both  to learn  how to  use the  database functions,  and to  perform the
actual search if the network is slow  or if you are not yet familiar with
the database system. But the more you try it, the more efficient you will
become and the less  you will be slowed down by  network delays: you will
soon be  able to find the  information you want in  2-3 "batch" searches,
which you can send and forget about until the answer comes back. Granted,
you will not get the answer until the network has delivered the file, but
the same is true with any question posted to the list via mail - it's the
same  destination, after  all. A  well-trained "searcher"  with a  couple
EXEC's/COM files/scripts to assist in  sending requests via mail and good
connectivity to one of the archive sites can easily obtain an answer from
the computer in less time than a human being could type a new one, unless
of course the answer is very short (like "No, this cannot be done").
But there is much more to the  database functions than a system to answer
questions about LISTSERV, which in itself might not be worth the learning
investment.  Answering  questions  about  LISTSERV  is  but  one  of  the
countless uses you  can put your searching knowledge to.  LSTSRV-L is but
one mailing list out  of the 3,000+ there are on BITNET -  and it's up to
you to explore the others as well. A well-trained searcher can obtain the
answer  to almost  any  question  about any  academic  topic  in some  15
minutes, by tapping the archives of one of these mailing lists - find the
right list  with LIST GLOBAL  or with the  LISTS database, then  find the
answer as  usual. There are lists  about the biology of  bees and camels,
about the best type of bacteria to use in brewing beer, about holography,
early music, boats, all kinds of  social and scientific subjects, and, of
course, about anything closely or remotely related to computers. All this
wealth of  information is available  through a SINGLE interface,  so what
are you doing reading this when you could be learning about it now?
- Send an INFO DATABASE to LISTSERV for a copy of the database manual. Do
  not worry too much  about the date - there have  been so little changes
  since the  original version that the  documentation did not need  to be
- Release notes (descriptions of the changes from one release of LISTSERV
  to the next  one) are available from LISTSERV@SEARN  as 'Vnnt RELNOTES'
  (for instance, V17B RELNOTES describes the changes introduced in 1.7b).
  You can  also find this  sort of information  via the database,  but it
  will be  scattered across a number  of separate messages over  a rather
  long period of time; if you want to know "What's new?", these files and
  the archives of the LSTSRV-M list (also at SEARN) are the best place to
- You may want  to subscribe to the LDBASE-L list  and read the archives,
  if you have BITNET connectivity and your system runs VM or VMS.