Gerhard Gonter <[log in to unmask]> asks:
>I certainly hope not.  I would rather not make it easy for people
>to get a profile of the interests of subscribers.  I would regard
>this as an invasion of privacy and would start setting CONCEAL on
>my subscriptions.
What's wrong about finding out which list *oneself* or a VM that one has
obtained responsibility for is subscribed to?  Do you know all your
subscription that you've done in the last five years?
My question in more detail:  I want to know where our Netnews machine
is subscribed because the person that did the subscriptions didn't
document them and I might have to reorganize our Netnews setup.
That's all.  (Of course, I can think of a way to get the information.)
Thank you for everyone's comments and ideas.
best wishes, Gerhard Gonter
Gerhard Gonter                                   <[log in to unmask]>
Tel: +43/1/31336/4111     Fax: .../702     <[log in to unmask]>