On Thu, 6 Aug 1992 13:02:46 CDT "Mark R. Williamson" <[log in to unmask]>
>the suggestions so far still may not  fit enough of the domain part into
>the subject (especially  for those of us only seeing  31 characters. How
>    or     LSTOWN-L: bounce from ALBERT.PHYSICS.ARIZONA.EDU
>                     ----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
>                             10        20        30        40
"Error from"  sounds vague, "bounce" is  list owner jargon. Once  we have
removed everything, some people will still complain that they only see 23
characters and we should  remove the list name :-) At  least you now have
the address in the mail header, and don't need to scroll forward.
>Also,  can  we have  something  similar  for  bounces of  messages  from
>LISTSERV itself unrelated to any  list (bounced to postmasters)? Perhaps
>the same format with "LISTSERV:" instead of "listname:" (since you can't
>have a list woth the same name as the server).
Do you get many of these?  "LISTSERV: error report from DAH.EDU" does not
sound very straightforward. The mail comes  from LISTSERV, so why does it
start  with "LISTSERV:"?  Many postmasters  don't run  any list,  so they
wouldn't understand the logic.