On Mon,  21 Sep  1992 10:39:03 CDT  "George D.  Greenwade" <BED_GDG@SHSU>
>Conceptually,  so long  as  BITNET  focuses on  being  a "VM  mainframe"
>network, (...) This complaint extends  to LISTSERV, which is exclusively
Could you  please expand  on this  statement? I'm  afraid I  simply don't
understand what you are talking about.  The line protocols used on BITNET
were developed for  IBM machines, so they are IBM-ish  in nature, in much
the same way  that most Internet protocols are unix-ish  in nature. There
is nothing  that can be  done about  that, as you  said it is  what makes
BITNET BITNET and the Internet the Internet. Within that framework, could
you please elaborate on what specific  actions of CREN, EARN or any other
cooperating network makes  you think that BITNET is being  developed as a
"VM  mainframe"  network? When  reviewing  the  recent changes  volunteer
developers  like  me  introduced  in  their  software,  do  you  get  the
impression  that  these  people  are  making the  network  more  or  less
"VM-mainframe-oriented", and why?