>    I fully understand  why the mail was rejected -  because of the From:
> line in the mail,  and I have no problem with that  except that I didn't
> see why a properly quoted (with the  > in front) line should be taken as
> a reject.
>    However, I am sure  that I have never seen a  rejected mail item that
> has had the error  prefixed with the > sign.
        At first I too thought that the presence of the > would eliminate
the problem, but that's not the case.  UCLA has (or at least had) a mail
system that insists on quoting the entire mail message, header and all, and
although all the lines are prefaced by >, mail from UCLA repeatedly gets
rejected by LISTSERV.
	Joan Korenman, WMST-L Listowner   KORENMAN@UMBC
	Univ. of MD. Baltimore County     [log in to unmask]
	Baltimore, Maryland 21228-5398