On    Tue,    27    Oct     1992    10:51:05    PST    Phillip    Sollins
<[log in to unmask]> said:
Note: There must be at least  a hundred different pieces of software that
CAN be used  to gateway a mailing  list to usenet. What I'm  going to say
only applies to software I know about and have experience with myself.
> If he  were to set postings  to subscribers only, would  that then mean
> that usenet  readers would  not be  able to post  messages to  the list
> unless they also subscribed?
No, because  the gateway  adds a  'Sender:' field  pointing to  itself to
avoid that problem, and the gateway is subscribed to the list. This would
mean  anyone  can   post  from  usenet,  while   BITNET  subscribers  are
restricted. The only way to have a non-public usenet group is to moderate
it. You could  still let BITNET subscribers post  directly, while getting
the messages from usenet sent to your mailbox for approval.