From:    [log in to unmask]
Subject: Sexism, technophobia and Barbie
Sender:  [log in to unmask]
In-reply-to: <[log in to unmask]>; from
             "[log in to unmask]" at Oct 9, 92 8:56 am
Perhaps this is somewhat afield of the mission of this list, but
it is an issue that should be of concern to anyone in education.
The Wall Street Journal recently carried an article about "Teen Talk
Barbie," a new doll from Mattel which utters four phrases, among them,
"Math class is hard."  Given my own 9 year-old daughter's devotion to her
inanimate friends, it concerns me that a company would put such a
statement on the lips of such an influential (like it or not) woman (?) as
Barbie.  for years, people have raised concerns about this toy's influence
on body image. Now I have to worry about what she says, too?  This is NOT
the way to encourage gender diversity in the sciences.
Mattel is tallying up the complaints which have been coming in.
If, as an educator, staff member student, or parent, you are concerned about
such suggestions being planted in the minds of our youngsters, respond by
calling Mattel's Consumer Affairs line, 800-421-2887, or by writing to
Mattel, 330 Continental Blvd., El Secundo, CA 90245.
Please pass this along to others who might have similar concerns.
David T. Punia             Voice: 802-656-1915
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