On Wed, 14 Oct 1992 02:02:51 EDT "(Stephen W. Thompson)"
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>(Note that  I've broken  the two  80+-character lines  into 79-character
>lines so they would  send happily and so you see it as  I do even if you
>have a different terminal.
If they are 80+ characters, then one thing that is clear is that this was
not done by LISTSERV. The present  version of the VM mailer only supports
lines of  80 characters or less,  so LISTSERV has to  fold headers before
passing them on to the mailer. It  couldn't make a line longer than 80 if
it wanted. What happens, probably, is that something on the way reformats
the header.
>---- Problem lines look like follows ------
>Reply-To: "Quaker Concerns, peace issues, consensus process,             spirit
>uality" <[log in to unmask]>
There  are 13  blanks  between  the comma  and  the  's'. LISTSERV  would
normally format this line as follows (text in column 15):
Reply-To:     "Quaker Concerns, peace issues, consensus process,
              spirituality" <blah>
This means 14 blanks between the 's' on the second line, one of which has
a syntactical  meaning (continuation). If  you 'unfold' that  header, you
get the 13 blanks.