On Wed, 18 Nov 1992 10:12:46 EDT "Helen P. Nulty" <NULTY@STLAWU> said:
>With release  17e our MUSIC/SP  users are unable  to GET files  from our
>LISTSERV.  The files  requested  end  up on  the  postmaster account  as
>undeliverable mail. LISTSERV appears to turn the address inside out. For
>example, a file destined for hnul@slumus is addressed slumus@hnul, which
>of course does not exist. Version 17d worked fine. Help!
I'm not sure I understand. If you  are talking about the RSCS address, it
most certainly is  in the right order,  or nobody would be  able to order
anything. If you're talking about the Netdata headers which were recently
discussed, the userid  and nodeid are separately labelled  tags which can
be present  in any  order and  in fact  LISTSERV uses  the same  order as
DMSDDL (plus when sending to a  mailing list for instance the destination
tags do  not contain  the recipient's address).  If you're  talking about
files ordered  with F=MAIL,  I have just  tried it and  it seems  to work
fine. Is the  problem specific to MUSIC  or does it affect  also your CMS