HI ...
   We have a list whose it's Notebook and monthly archives are stored in
a seprate disk (other than the Listserv 191 ) .When trying to use the Dbase
search utility in Listserv (LDBASE) ,it's only searching the contributions of
the Notebook only .It's not searching on the other monthly archives files.
Can anyone tell me how to do for the other files .Thanks ,,,
Below I included the keywords parameters of this list :
*  Discussion Forum on Personal Computers Arabization
*  Review= private       Subscription= by_owner  ACK=MSG
*  Notify= NO        Reply-to= List,Respect     Files= Yes
*  Validate= Store Only
*  Mail-Via= Distribute    Stats=Normal
*  Notebook= Yes,X5/202,monthly,private
*  Errors-To=Owners
*  Owner=  DEVMTG12@SAKFU00     (Mustafa Alghazal)
*  This List Discusses Various Topics on PC Arabization Tools .
|  MUSTAFA T. AL-GHAZAL          ||     [log in to unmask]    |
|  KFU NODE ADMINSTRATOR         ||     OR : NAD@SAKFU00           |
|  ACADEMIC COMPUTING SERVICES   ||     VOICE: (966) 3-580-0219    |
|        M A N A G E R           ||     OR : (966)3-580-0000 X 1214|
|  KING FAISAL UNIVERSITY        ||     COMPUTER CENTER            |
|  HOFUF-SAUDI ARABIA            ||     P.O.BOX 380                |