My apologies for not being clear.
I want people to stop routing through or
altogether. It doesn't buy anything, it just adds another
hop in the route, and it wastes my resouces.  You see, I started noticing
a fair bit of mail piling up, and on scanning through it, I found it
was totally irrevelant to Prime computer...I mean, most of it shouldn't
have even been routed through this gateway, so it must have been forced
(A La [log in to unmask]). I would simply like it to stop.
I mean, one or two small pieces doesn't make me sneeze, but I caught
fourty in the span of fifteen minutes at one point, none of which should
have been there. I suppose this is a warning of sorts, too, as is going away, but I would kind of like this settled
before then.
I'm fairly ignorant in the listserv community, what's nodmgt-l?
>It depends on what you intend to do.  Are you just planning on cutting
>the ability to route, or are you just trying to get people to change
>from to  How much traffic do you handle on
No, I just don't want people to send mail through my machine.
>this list?  do you know from where it comes?  (how many different sources).
>Is it possible to generate a job to send mail to lists of sources?
>(I track the 325 megabytes of information that is TRANSMITTED by uscvm).
What list? Is this revelent? My apologies, again, as I am not familiar
with the ListServe's community's idiom.
Jason R. Pascucci
[log in to unmask]
News/Mail/Sys Admin, O.S. Engineer
Software Integrity, C/M Tools, PrimeService, a ComputerVision company