Seems to me that in the past (I don't remember how long ago, but not too
long) it used to be important to LISTSERV which address was used in a
mail header, in the From: tag, to determine whether a command would be
executed or rejected because the user was "unauthorized".  I hope an
example will clairfy.
Let's say I subscribe to an OPEN list that has REVIEW set to private.
Further, let's say my subscription was made with the CMS TELL command,
so the list would contain my BITNET address.
Seems like it used to be I could not send a mail note to a list like
this and use my Internet domain name to REVIEW the list.  Am I right?
Well I just tried it and the REVIEW will work with either address, BITNET
or Internet.
I'm not complaining, I like the way it works (much less confusion for those
of us with workstations), just curious as to when this behavior changed.
--Greg Kroll