On Sun, 22 Nov 92 16:21:46 EST Trish Forrest ([log in to unmask]) said:
[ initial part deleted]
This mail is being sent to give a corrected account.
>   Second, it has been stated by Mr. Dupuy that the naming comventions
>were not an issue for him.  I don't think this issue was given sufficient
>mention.  When I was asked to search for a replacement for LISTSERV
>I only found 2 of the 20(!) Eric mentioned...both use the name 'listserv'
>and I refused to use anything called 'listserv' either by name or by
>address.  Let me say why as one of the reasons is fairly elusive because
>I understand Eric has no legal claim to the name 'LISTSERV'.  First, there
>is something called 'professional ethics' that prevents me from using
>a piece of software called 'listserv'.  One of our users asked for it and
>I consulted the LSTSRV-L database to find out if Eric had given approval
>for the use of the name.  In addition, one of our users mailed Eric to
>verify that he did not.  One might quite legitimately ask if we host
>lists here, and since we do not, I might be accused of having the luxury
>of invoking 'professional ethics'.  I can only respond, for example, by
>pointing to another site that recently took the unix listserv off their
>system for the same reason that we wouldn't put it on ours. I don't know how
>many lists Alan Thew supports, but I have a great deal of respect for what
While it's true that testing with a "listserv" was stopped and investigations
into alternatives (we current have an IBM running the EARN LISTSERV) was
stepped up, the eventual decision was to run a Un*x "listserv".
(in this case the BU code).
>must have been a difficult decision, and I hope it is a trend on the
>net to move toward ethical conduct in the abscence of legal law dictating
>such conduct.  I was also informed, by a second party, that Alan Thew
>requested, on a list devoted to the unix listserv, that a disclaimer be
>put in that it was NOT Eric's LISTSERV.  Up until now, I have assumed
>(perhaps incorrectly) that the software once used at Liverpool was
>the server developed by Mr. Kotsikones.  Alan can correct me if this
>is an error.
The above statement refers to code from France/Finland that is called
TULP but uses the userid "listserv".
If you wish to comment, please could you mail me directly. Thank you.
Alan Thew