On Wed, 25 Nov 92 09:33:36 -0500 [log in to unmask] said:
> UNIX can only be considered "a system of the future" in the sense that
> its users have been waiting 20 years already for it to evolve into
> something sensibly usable.  (But, then, would it be "UNIX"?)  The
> reality is that UNIX has simply lent itself to ready proliferation,
> which is really the only reason that it is all over the place.  UNIX is
> primitive as an operating system, irregular in its facilities, fragile
> in its file system, and generally difficult to use.  Perhaps its one,
> best hope for evolution into something solid is OSF.  We hope.
>         Dick Sims, Boston University Office of Information Technology
I find this attitude counter-productive, insulting to the Unix environment
(which is NOT what is alluded to above) and similar to someone in a glass
house throwing stones. CMS/MVS/VPS/DOS/MACOS/NEXT/etc all have their problems.
Each system has their purpose in life and ALL have SERIOUS defects. However,
the reality of the situation is there exists real needs and perceived needs
of the user community which must be addressed. Along the same lines of
the above posting, I could sit here and say that AIX/OSF is a real joke...
and there are many who would agree with me... but, AIX/OSF does and will
solve various peoples problems and some like it... so it cannot be ignored
or insulted. So, let's remain constructive and realistic.