On Sun,  13 Dec  1992 21:32:22 EST  "A. Ralph  Papakhian" <PAPAKHI@IUBVM>
>About  the same  time,  listserv  mail from  IUBVM  addressed to  IUBACS
>addresses  started getting  routed  through Indianapolis--INDYCMS  (even
>though iubvm and  iubacs are in the same building,  probably in the same
LISTSERV uses the topology information  in BITEARN NODES, which says that
both IUBACS and INDIANA are connected  via IUGOLD, which is connected via
a direct link to INDYCMS. IUBVM is connected to IUGOLD but via IUAQUA and
is thus  farther away from  these machines than  INDYCMS. I have  no idea
whether this  is a new topology  or something which has  always been this
way, but  in any case LISTSERV  would always have routed  through INDYCMS
given this topology. If the reality is that you have direct links between
IUBVM and the other machines, BITEARN  NODES should be changed to reflect
Generally  speaking, whenever  you don't  understand why  LISTSERV routes
things a certain  way, the first thing  to do is to  check BITEARN NODES.
While your users might know that the line  to XYZ is T1 while the line to
ABC is 9.6k, LISTSERV doesn't know this sort of things and has to rely on
the information it gets from the  official source. If that information is
obsolete you generally have abnormal behaviour.