On Thu, 10 Dec 1992 13:45:01 PST john riehl said:
>harumpf.  I have discovered that if someone mails a signoff command to
>listserv, (about the list tel), they are not automatically deleted from
>the list.  The request is forwarded to the listowner.   Is this something
>new, or have i just missed it?  (if you issue the command in a TELL LISTSERV
>message, you are automatically unsubscribed).
>is there a way to have users automatically deleted regardless of transmission
>method?  here is the header for tel:
>*  The Turkish Electronic Mail List
>*  Review= Public    Subscription= Open         Send= Private
>*  Notify= Yes       Reply-to= List,Ignore      Files= Yes
>*  Validate= All commands  Mail-via= Dist2
Users can not delete themselves because of the "Validate= All commands"
parameter. It is not new and it has very little to do with transmission method.
This is an issue that Eric Thomas and I have crossed swords on in the past.
For the rationale behind this parameter and its effect, see the document
LISTKEYW MEMO. I tried unsuccessfully to convince Eric to abolish it or change
it just because of lists like the one you mention: subscription is open, so
anyone can fall into the list innocently, but you can only get off the list
when the list owner sends a delete command with a valid password. In the past,
only local users (ie, users on the same node as the list) who sent Listserv
commands via interactive message were exempt from the effects of this
parameter, so I assume that this is a local list for you (or that the usage
of the parameter has changed).
David Sitman