>I think that anonymous posting is useful only on some lists, and must be
>controlled  by LISTSERV  as  a  list option,  not  by  the end-user,  by
>changing  the contents  of From:  field to  "Anonymous <LISTNAME@NODE>",
>deleting the  Received:, Return-path:, Organization:, and  any unusefull
>fields usually  discarded by  LISTSERV from the  header, and  seting the
>Sender: and  Reply-to: to  the usual  "Full List  Name <LISTNAME@NODE>".
>Only in this situation, full signs and good quotes are
This is  stupid, it  doesn't let  you send private  replies and  you will
never know who is  saying what. As soon as you  start having a discussion
involving 5 people, you will have  a big mess. The anonymous servers hide
the true  identity of posters  but do provide  a means to  associate each
message with a person.  And as we have said countless  times, there is no
point in having this discussion, you  just can't prevent users from using
anonymous servers if they want to.